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Supplier Partnering

  • SafeWorks aligns with a small group of elite suppliers who are dedicated to quality and customer service.
  • We view our suppliers as an extension of our business – great suppliers make us more competitive.
  • Therefore, suppliers are obligated to grow their businesses, improve their product and technology. This means continuously improving: quality, on-time delivery, reduced cycle time and cost reduction.

Supplier Selection

SafeWorks has put people to work at height for more than 60 years. We are very selective about integrating new suppliers. Our standards and expectations are extremely high.

To become a supplier, e-mail your proposal to

Suppliers are expected to complete a Self Survey covering quality assurance, liability insurance coverage and other data. We meet prospective suppliers by appointment only. Schedule at

We Purchase

Machined parts, weldments, electrical-mechanical sub-assemblies, injection molded components, castings, gears, PCBs, electrical components, wire rope